Polymath Core TORO v1.2.0 is Out!

Pablo Ruiz
Polymath Network
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2018


In the last few weeks, we’ve been hard at work implementing new core functionality for security tokens that enable the creation of new module types. We are also continuing to add features that make the platform even more versatile in order to meet the various needs of all security token issuers.

✨ What’s new? ✨

✅ Token Balance Checkpoints

This new core functionality allows issuers to create snapshots of the token balance of each token holder as well as the total supply. This functionality can be used to create exciting new classes of modules such as dividends and token votes! We created a CLI script to demo this feature.

💵 Dividend Module in ETH or ERC20

We were so excited about this new checkpoint feature that we created two new modules that allow issuers to distribute dividends to token holders. Issuers can now distribute dividends in ETH or any ERC20 token!

✏️ New STO Functionality

We have added a couple new features to the STO modules. These small modifications are what help issuers meet a broader range of regulatory compliance.

  • Blacklist STO: Issuers can now prevent addresses from participating in the STO using the _canBuyFromSTO parameter in the modifyWhitelist function of the GeneralTransferManager module.
  • Pausing STO: Issuers can now pause and resume the purchasing of security tokens during a sale.

✋ Manual Approval Module

ManualApprovalTransferManager is another exciting new module. It allows issuers to create individual rules to approve or block token transfers between two addresses along with an expiry time. The main use case for this feature is in the case where automatic rules prevent two addresses from transacting, but, because of some exemption, the transfer should still be allowed. In that case, the investor holding the tokens could ask the issuer — or their transfer agent — to approve a one-off transaction between them and some other party.

These one-off rules could also be used, for example, in the case where an investor’s wallet is suspected to be compromised and the funds need to be transferred to a different wallet during a lockup period. Another possible use of this module is if an investor’s credentials are being checked, in which case the issuer can freeze the investor tokens until the investigation is complete.

📊 Versatile Module Monetization

Module developers now have access to a new monetization framework that allows them to collect POLY when their module is used by issuers on the Polymath platform. There are 3 possible ways in which module developers can earn POLY:

  • Setup fee — This fee is paid by the issuer to the developer upon attaching a new module.
  • Usage fee — This fee is paid to the developer of the module according to the usage of specific actions enabled by the module. For example, adding individuals to a KYC whitelist. (Not yet implemented)
  • Subscription fee — This fee is paid monthly to the developer of the module for the continued use of a module. (Not yet implemented)

🛑 End token minting without STO

In previous versions, the only way to end the ability to mint tokens was to attach an STO to the token. An issuer can now irreversibly decide to permanently end token minting at any time.

🔧 Upgradable Registries

Using an address reference scheme and registration that can be paused, we are now able to upgrade our registry contracts without losing critical information. Although we hope to never use it, this safety mechanism increases the reliability of the platform.

📟 Updated Command Line Interface

We’ve updated our deployment CLI tools in a continued commitment to making it simple for issuers to quickly and easily deploy their security tokens.

Contracts on Kovan Testnet

TickerRegistry: 0xf1b64cd44f8da99b518ec530bf8c0d5a04c7dbda

SecurityTokenRegistry: 0x26142ca417b712379f0e52ffa906492515db891a

ModuleRegistry: 0x4785fbc411af7afc407c1182ac1b67594af62afa

CappedSTOFactory: 0xb7ded4e2da6324cac7f46fba242e1988101f40d2

EthDividendsCheckpointFactory: 0x8e895bea58e7a639e58d6c196acad81f173903e5

TORO V1.2.0 token: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0x2573D0946810da2C95B3A63cB4c8cc3aF0E95723
TORO V1.2.0 CappedSTO: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0xCB1F57bf24b32466116eD5f359595a5BEba7A166

Get involved!

Explore Polymath Core on Github

Are you a developer interested in how securities tokens work? Take a look at our Github repo and feel free to ask any questions and submit any issues you find.

Engage in the Conversation on Gitter

We started a Gitter channel as an open means for communicating with fellow developers looking into using Polymath Core. We encourage you to continue asking great questions that will inform future product development.

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Are you interested in joining the security token revolution? We are always looking for high quality talent and have lots of current openings. Check out our careers page at https://polymath.bamboohr.com/jobs/ to apply!

About Polymath

Polymath Network (Polymath) is a decentralized platform that makes it easy to create security tokens. The Polymath ST-20 standard embeds regulatory requirements into the tokens themselves, restricting trading to verified participants only. The platform simplifies the complex technical challenges of creating a security token and aims to bring the multi-trillion dollar financial securities market to the blockchain.

